This is our halloween email (see the activity at the end of this email).
For some great CHRISTMAS crafts visit Visit
Hate is Real. Evil is real.
Satan is real.
Fortunately...Love is Real. God is faithful.
And Bible Verses are true.
One way to help children choose God and Scripture
over Evil is
"Pocket Scriptures".
This week we offer our NEW
Enough Bible verses ON ONE PAGE to last a child an entire week.
If there is no room in your bulletin
We hope you put them somewhere in the church
Parents feel free to help themselves,
This weeks verses are about "Resisting Evil".
Print the strips single sided or double sided
Send them HOME with the children
Suggest parents snip the verses from the strip and put them in a bowl.
Then each morning have them put a verse in each child's pocket.
In the evening sit down together and look up the entire verse.
What better habit could we give a child
than starting and ending each day with a Bible Verse?
Clicking the first strip prints Child friendly verses chosen from a variety of translations.
The second strip offers optional questions to print on the back of the verses.
The third strip offers verses from the King James only.