A Bible verse in a child's pocket helps him learn the verse
It can also give the child the feeling that God is with him.
the whole reason Jesus came to earth.

Scroll down and click blue text for verses in Brazilian Portuguese.
22 versos sobre raiva
versos sobre raiva

10 Verses about Beauty
Versículos sobre Beleza

34 Verses about Church
versículos sobre igreja

22 Verses about Fear
versos sobre medo

46 Verses about healing
Versículos sobre a cura

46 Verses about the Holy Spirit
Versículos sobre do Espírito Santo

22 Verses about hope
Versículos sobre esperança

22 Verses about joy
Versículos sobre alegria

22 Verses about being lonely
Versículos sobre estar sozinho

46 Verses about Godly love
Versículos sobre o tipo de amor de Deus

10 Verses about being renewed
Versículos sobre ser renovado

10 Verses about God's plan for us
Versículos sobre o plano de Deus para nós

  22 Verses about prayer
Versículos sobre oração

22 Verses about being pure.
Versículos sobre ser puro..

22 Verses about salvation
Versículos sobre salvação

22 Verses about sin
Versículos sobre o pecado

22 Verses about strength
Versículos sobre força

Give your home a Bible Makeover.
Message for Parents: 

Tucking a Bible verse in your child's pocket as he or she leaves the house each morning can give a child a daylong sense of EXPECTATION that God will make it real. It can give a child strength to stand against peer pressure and the will to resist the hoard of temptations that surround us all. Using Pocket Scriptures yourself sets an example your child will notice and remember. On days your child NEEDS your personal attention and there is just not enough of YOU to go around a strip of pocket scriptures and a kiss can be a big help.
We hope you enjoy the Free VBS activities,Bible coloring pages and Bulletin inserts.

We pray God blesses your efforts to make Daily Bible verses a HABIT
in the lives of the world's children.

We pray also that you visit www.teachustopray.com
for DAILY prayer helps to last family or church an entire year.

All artwork and commentary (c) Charles White.
Feel free to make up to 100 copies for use by your local church
as long as they are not altered, offered for sale or used to promote
a product, service or website. All other rights reserved
Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is taken from the King James Version
of Holy Scripture.

Our email is partner@bibleparent.com