Helping your church supply parents with the tools they need to surround their children with God's word ¦ Free Bible coloring pages, pocket scriptures, and more¦ hundreds of free helps for small churches and busy parents.
The Bible coloring pages. Our hope is that every Sunday School teacher in the world would keep some by the door of their classroom¦offering parents the one thing they need most ¦A STARTING PLACE¦ in becoming the spiritual leaders their children need…the spiritual leaders God has asked them to be. These free coloring pages also give children the power to change their homes by what they make and color. Everything is free at . Use them for family time, for correction, or as an alternative to TV.
The "Pocket Scriptures" and "Scripture Strips'. Don't make your children do without God's word!! is the only site in the entire world with free printable DAILY bible verses. We pray that churches and Sunday Schools sign up to receive free weekly bulletin inserts and parent take homes with¦a verse a day¦the only way. Don't make your children do without.
The Activities. Verses that flip and verses that fly, home games and craft projects are also free at The marble games and bible Frisbees are great activities for any family, even better for Vacation Bible School or weeknight activities. The scripture flippers and Bible Magnets are gifts any child can be proud to make and give. There are also a variety of special Coloring projects for most holidays¦ mother's day, father's day, Christmas, Easter etc. Help us make God's word active.
Adding Prayer. No one can believe in a Bible Verse until the Holy Spirit makes it real and you can't pray rightly without scripture. is filled with hundreds of Free Bible Coloring pages and family friendly prayer tips. It is our oldest website and has been featured nationally by over 30 major denominations, most notably a feature article in the Salvation Army Magazine "War Cry". A HABIT of praying with others is the ONE THING most likely to connect a child to God and church for life.
God's word is good for children. Don't make them do without: Deuteronomy 11: 20-21, "write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children,"
Parents, Pastors and Progeny: We hope you enjoy the Free VBS crafts, Bible memory cards and Bible coloring pages.
We pray God blesses your efforts to make Coloring and Displaying Bible verses a daily HABIT
in your families weekday life.
We pray also that you visit
for DAILY prayer helps to last family or church an entire year.
Free bible coloring pages at both sites.
All artwork and commentary (c) Charles White.
Feel free to make up to 100 copies for use by your
local church
as long as they are not altered, offered for sale or used to promote
a product, service or website. All other rights reserved
Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is taken from the King James Version
of Holy Scripture.
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